Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wags Boutique

So Wags Boutique started last night and I vowed I was not going to watch any more crap TV.But...curiousity got the better of me....Who are these girls? They all say the same thing...oh shes just here because she playing off her boyfriends name.....arent they all????They are all so desperate to be the next wife and fashion icon too....all trying really hard to be that little bit different.
I noticed quite a few big gem stone rings on a couple of the fingers. Now, Im not saying take notice of these "Wags" but Id say they are copying one of the more famous "Wags" Victoria Beckham who is famous in her own right....I k
But big Gemstone Jewellery is in and you dont have to pay a fortune for itnew of Victoria before Id heard of David!

Black Diamond Engagement Ring

There are many kinds of diamonds to choose for your loved one, especially for an engagement ring. You can actually choose different designs, shapes, sizes and colors.
Colorless diamonds are popular choices for engagement rings. A man can choose to give his bride-to-be a pink or yellow diamond engagement ring; which is preferred by a lot of women. So giving a black diamond engagement ring is not really a popular choice.
Unlike traditional colors of diamond engagement rings, a black diamond engagement ring is “unique if not an eccentric kind of ring to choose for a loved one.
There a probably a few women who would have a taste or penchant for this very odd color of engagement ring because often the color of black is associated with evil, darkness or even witchcraft. So it would be surprising if not scary to be given a ring especially a black diamond engagement ring.
But unknown to people, black diamonds are popular stone choices for male jewelries especially for Europeans. Usually black diamonds are included in wedding rings and bracelets. They are often combined with more lustrous or more colorful diamonds and other precious stones to enhance the brilliance of the colored gems or highlight the black diamond itself.
Men who offer to give a black diamond engagement ring also choose rings that are set in platinum or titanium to enhance the color of the black diamond or combine it with stones the color of their choice and have the design custom made to make it extra special.
The appearance of black diamonds may be in hues of green, gray or midnight black. The color can range from being dense or translucent in hue.
When buying a black diamond engagement ring, you need to go to an accredited jeweler because some people trick sellers by adding color to fancy stones and make it appear a true black diamond. You can ask for papers proving that you are getting the real deal.

Garnet Rings

Now Im starting to get a little paranoid about the way I look or should I say looked. The past 2 or 3 weeks, people that I see everyday have suddenly giving me im not good at compliments anyway!Compliments about the way I look, my face and clothes. Could it be the fantastic Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Serum, could it really be working? I am a terible one for believing the hypeCould it be the fact that Ive started to go to an office rather than lounge around my house in my pjs or tracksuit as what did I have to get dressed up for.Today Ive gone for the ethnicky look. Long silky brown skirt with mixed colour loose off shoulder top and I looked in my jewellery box and put on my lovely Garnet Ring which really looks great with what I am wearing.Last night I had a good sort out of my jewellery does need a good overhaul every so often, otherwise you cant see the wood for the trees.

Alex & Chloe “Black Diamond” Spring Collection 2009

Heavily influenced by geometric shapes, Paris, Bauhaus Art, and the films “The Dark Crystal” and “Blade Runner”, the elusive Jewelry Designer Alex & Chloe presents their latest collections of spring 2009: BLACK DIAMOND.
Ever since their debut in 2004 featuring “Shadow and Light” Collection, the Los Angeles-based company has been at the vanguard of the contemporary jewelry and accessories. Their collections incorporate the fusion of non-traditional materials (like black, gold, and silver acrylic) and laser-cut pieces inspired by everything from Kate Moss to antique bells to Paris. And there came the creative and innovative pendants, rings, bracelets, and even sunglasses that have caught the attention of a local as well as an international fashion ci & Chloe Wedding Ring “Holding You Forever” Spring 2009 For Him
As the invention goes and the creativity grows, so does the ingenuity of their line. This spring ALEX & CHLOE introduces diamonds and 14 karat gold pieces with glamorous dark and futuristic punk rock attitude. And of the BLACK DIAMOND collections I pick the “HOLDING YOU FOREVER” WEDDING RING for you.rcle

3 Stone Diamond Rings

3 Stone Diamond Rings are really popular now and people are having them as engagement rings, wedding rings, for whatever you want really. Why have 1 when you could have 3???
Originally they were bought as anniversary rings, for past, present and future but now, as with everything, anything goes.
Some are really nice,

Half Eternity Rings

If you are looking for a present for Christmas Present, Birthday, Anniversary Present or a Present for the birth of your child, then a half eternity ring should go down very well.
Half Eternity Rings are also rings that can be worn every day as the diamonds or stones are only up to half way round therefore, you can continue to do most stuff during the day, like, cleaning, making tea, making the beds, or shopping. Where as with a full eternity ring, its a little more precious with stones all the way around.
There are some beautiful half eternity rings. Take a peek at some of these.

Pave Rings

Pave Rings seem to be one of Sharon Osbournes favourite ring to wear at the moment amongst many other celebrities / stars on the TV at the moment.I love them, big, chunky and lots of bling bling....absolutely stunning. I oIs it really true? Did Michael Jackson really get married.First he married Lisa Marie Presley, then he married Deborah Rowe, now the rumours are that he has married his childrens Nanny.Its only rumours from an American Magazine, that he filled in a form to say he was married.Lets see!Can you imagine being married to Michael Jackson, no! I just cannot imagine it, how weird.So I wonder what sort of Engagment Ring & Wedding Ring Michael Jackson would buy!I once was told this story how actually walked into this big furniture store in London and bought practically all of was gopping!nly have little