Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Garnet Rings

Now Im starting to get a little paranoid about the way I look or should I say looked. The past 2 or 3 weeks, people that I see everyday have suddenly giving me im not good at compliments anyway!Compliments about the way I look, my face and clothes. Could it be the fantastic Boots No7 Protect & Perfect Serum, could it really be working? I am a terible one for believing the hypeCould it be the fact that Ive started to go to an office rather than lounge around my house in my pjs or tracksuit as what did I have to get dressed up for.Today Ive gone for the ethnicky look. Long silky brown skirt with mixed colour loose off shoulder top and I looked in my jewellery box and put on my lovely Garnet Ring which really looks great with what I am wearing.Last night I had a good sort out of my jewellery does need a good overhaul every so often, otherwise you cant see the wood for the trees.

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